Entrepreneurship Law
Entrepreneurship Law is a branch of business law that regulates issues such as company establishment, contracts, and intellectual property.
Digital Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
Digital Intellectual and Industrial Rights regulate legal protection systems covering the digital field such as patents, registrations, and copyrights.
Business law
Labor Law regulates workers’ rights, employment contracts, and working conditions and manages business relationships within a legal framework.
Insurance Law
Insurance Law creates the legal framework that regulates issues such as policies, damages, and premiums; It regulates insurance relations and protects rights.
Brand Law
Symbol, name, or logo used for brand, promotion, and distinctiveness purposes; Trademark law regulates protection, registration, and usage rights.
Real Estate Law
Real Estate Law regulates issues such as ownership, rent, title deed, purchase and sale; It covers the legal relations and rights of immovable properties.
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law regulates the legal framework covering areas such as patents, registrations, and copyrights; and protects creativity and innovation.
Energy Law
Energy Law includes legal norms that regulate activities in the energy sector; It covers energy production, distribution, trading, and regulation.
Criminal law
Criminal Law regulates crimes and penalties; It determines the sanctions for unlawful behavior and ensures fair trial.
Information Technology Law
Information Technology Law includes issues such as data security and cyber crimes in the digital field; and regulates the technology sector.
Foreign and Citizenship Law
Foreign and Citizenship Law regulates issues such as immigration, visa, and citizenship acquisition; It focuses on national and international legal norms.
Inheritance Law
Inheritance Law includes the legal rules regulating the distribution of the deceased person’s assets; It covers issues such as wills and inheritance rights.
Corporate and Commercial Law
Company and Commercial Law includes legal rules regulating issues such as company establishment, management, and commercial relations; and regulates business life.
“Arbitration” is an alternative dispute resolution method in which disputes between the parties are resolved by an independent arbitrator rather than a court.
Fisheries Law
Fisheries Law includes legal regulations regarding fish and other aquatic products obtained from water resources; It covers topics such as hunting, breeding, and conservation.
Health and Medical Law
Health and Medical Law regulates legal issues in the healthcare sector; It covers areas such as patient rights, medical practices, medical ethics, and obligations of health institutions.
Online Reputation Management
Online reputation refers to the image established on digital platforms; It is shaped by strategies such as reputation management and social media interaction.
Execution and Bankruptcy Law
Execution and Bankruptcy Law regulates the relations between creditors and debtors; It includes issues such as debt collection, bankruptcy, and composition.
Banking, Finance, and Cryptocurrency Law
Banking, Finance, and Cryptocurrency Law refers to the legal field that includes financial transactions, banking activities, and legal regulations of cryptocurrencies.
Company Consultancy Law
Company Consultancy Law ensures the effective functioning of companies by providing consultancy services on issues such as legal compliance, contracts, and taxation.
Legal Articles
”While doing our duty, we are not subject to anyone, neither the client, nor the judge, nor even the government. We do not claim the existence of our people down. But we do not recognize any hierarchical superior. The most junior person is no different from the most senior or the famous one. Lawyers have not used slaves throughout history, but they have never had masters either!