Lawyer Cihan Yarar graduated from Istanbul Okan University. He is actively practicing law. Cihan Yarar specializes in Foreigners and Citizenship Law, Commercial Law, Personal Data, Corporate Law, Insurance Law, and Trademark Law, and provides consultancy and litigation services to local and multinational companies. Atty. continues to work on commercial law, especially e-commerce and competition law. Cihan Yarar participated in the Thesis Master’s Degree in Information Technology Law program organized by Istanbul Okan University Law Institute in 2023. He earned the L.L.M title by conducting advanced academic research and writing articles in the field of Information Technologies in the fields of Industrial Property Rights, Intellectual and Artistic Works Law, Trademark Law, legal processes of Blockchain technologies, and KVKK. Hunting. Cihan Yarar worked as the responsible lawyer at TBB Legal Aid Bureau for a while. He then continued his work as the manager lawyer responsible for the Headquarters at MÜSİAD Association and carried out many projects. Currently, he continues to act with the awareness of a social and responsible lawyer by taking an active role in MÜSİAD Member Relations Commission, TOBB İGGK membership, Lawyers Association membership, and KAİDER associations and voluntarily supports the work of many foundations.